Using Light To Probe The Nano-world And The Bricks Of Life

Biological And Biomedical Imaging & Manipulation


2D Single Particle Tracking and Super-resolution imaging in living cells

The main aim of this experiment has been to use the single particle tracking (SPT) approac…

3D super-resolution techniques for the imaging of thick samples

Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques have become increasingly popular over …


Applications of Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM) in cytomechanics

A current challenge in the life sciences is to understand how biological systems change th…

Development of a Scanning Ion Conductance Microscope (SICM) prototype with AFM and optical modules

The SICM microscope works with ionic solution, and can perform imaging of biological sampl…


Dosimetry and radiobiology with laser-driven relativistic electron beams

Electron accelerators based upon the so-called Laser Wake-Field Acceleration (LWFA) mechan…

Laser micro/nano fabrication

The use of laser in manufacturing processes is rapidly growing due both to the dramatic de…


Morphofunctional imaging of human and mouse brain

Neuronal imaging research team aims to develop innovative imaging methodologies for an inc…

Multimodal fibre-probe spectroscopy for tissue diagnostics

Multimodal fibre-based spectroscopy offers the possibility of non-invasively and quickly d…


Multimodal microscopy for biological tissue imaging

Laser-scanning microscopy offers promising solutions for tissue imaging at sub-cellular le…

Optical dissection of cardiac electrophysiology

Here we aredeveloping innovative optical approaches to simultaneously probe and control th…