Trapped Atom Interferometers in Optical Lattices


Funded by: European Commission  
Calls: ERANET cofund
Start date: 2018-03-01  End date: 2021-02-28
Total Budget: EUR 2.364.640,00  INO share of the total budget: EUR 249.188,00
Scientific manager: Pereira dos Santos F.   and for INO is: Fattori Marco

Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: Observatoire de Paris / SYRTE

other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
IOGS / LP2N -France
LUH – IQO – Germany
UW – Poland

other INO’s people involved:
Fattori Marco
Minardi Francesco
Smerzi Augusto

Abstract: The Trapped Atom Interferometer in Optical Lattices (TAOIL) consortium brings together the European experts on atomic sensors metrology with the main goal in mind: to expand the potential of the trapped atom interferometers and realize new devices with sensitivities and spatial resolutions far beyond the state of the art. To accomplish this objective, a broad European collaboration between leading groups in the field in necessary. We will use all our experimental and theoretical skills to challenge the difficulties.
We will develop a new class of atomic sensors for the high precision measurements in applied and fundamental physics. We will master the new methods for separating a split atomic sample far apart while maintaining the quantum coherence, to detect the spatial variations of exotic quantum forces. We will learn how to tame the harmful decoherence by either controlling the strength of the two-body interactions or using novel sources of ultra-cold atoms. We will develop the theoretical and the experimental methods to implement a chaos-enhanced atom-light coupled sensor, an avant-garde approach to the ultra-precise metrology.
The accomplishment of the set goals opens new possibilities for a wide range of applications, such as gravimetry and the surface force measurements with the perspective of the future large-scale industrial implementations.