Spatial entanglement of bosons in optical lattices

Year: 2013

Authors: Cramer M., Bernard A., Fabbri N., Fallani L., Fort C., Rosi S., Caruso F., Inguscio M., Plenio M. B.

Autors Affiliation: Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Albert-Einstein Allee 11, Universitat Ulm, Ulm D-89069, Germany; Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, Albert-Einstein Allee 11, Universitat Ulm, Ulm D-89069, Germany; LENS, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Firenze, and INO-CNR, via Nello Carrara 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy; QSTAR, Largo Enrico Fermi 2, Firenze I-50125, Italy

Abstract: Entanglement is a fundamental resource for quantum information processing, occurring naturally in many-body systems at low temperatures. The presence of entanglement and, in particular, its scaling with the size of system partitions underlies the complexity of quantum many-body states. The quantitative estimation of entanglement in many-body systems represents a major challenge, as it requires either full-state tomography, scaling exponentially in the system size, or the assumption of unverified system characteristics such as its Hamiltonian or temperature. Here we adopt recently developed approaches for the determination of rigorous lower entanglement bounds from readily accessible measurements and apply them in an experiment of ultracold interacting bosons in optical lattices of similar to 10(5) sites. We then study the behaviour of spatial entanglement between the sites when crossing the superfluid-Mott insulator transition and when varying temperature. This constitutes the first rigorous experimental large-scale entanglement quantification in a scalable quantum simulator.


Volume: 4      Pages from: 2161  to: 2161

More Information: The work at Ulm University has been supported by the EU Integrated Project QES-SENCE, the EU STREPs CORNER, the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship and the BMBF. The work at LENS has been supported by MIUR through PRIN nr. 2009TM7ERK_004, ERC Advanced Grant DISQUA, EU FP7 Integrated Project AQUTE, and IIT Seed Project ENCORE. The work of F.C. has been supported by EU FP7 Marie-Curie Programme (Intra-European Fellowship and Career Integration Grant) and by MIUR-FIRB grant (Project No. RBFR10M3SB). We thank M. Modugno, C. Sias, J. Cai and G. Nikoghosyan for critical reading of the manuscript. F.C. acknowledges H. Wunderlich for fruitful discussions at the early stages of this project. The QSTAR is the MPQ, LENS, IIT, UniFi Joint Center for Quantum Science and Technology in Arcetri.
KeyWords: Article; boson; low temperature; optical lattice; optics; phase transition; quantitative study; quantum chemistry; tomography
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3161

Citations: 64
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