Cu/Pd thin-film thermopile as a temperature and hydrogen sensor

Year: 1990

Authors: Baciocchi M., A. Bearzotti, Gentili M., Lucchesini A., Caliendo C., Verona E., D’amico A.

Autors Affiliation: IESS – CNR – Roma – Italy; IDAC – CNR – Roma – Italy; Universitą di Roma II \’Tor Vergata\’, Dip. Ing. Elettronica, Roma – Italy

Abstract: This paper illustrates the experimental performance of a thermopile made by five Cu/Pd thermocouples (Junction area 200 x 200 µm) which shows sensitivity to both temperature and hydrogen and has a relatively low Johnson noise. The thermoelectric power of the elementary thermocouple IS a few µV/K The H2, responsivity in a H2 + N2 flux is found to be dependent on the temperature difference T2 – T1 between the two thermocouple Junctions and on the H2, concentration. With T2 – T1, equal to 100 K, T2 equal to 373 K and a H2, concentration of 88 ppm in N2, the thermopile gives a responsivity of about 750 nV/(ppm of H2). Response times depend on the temperature of both junctions and the hydrogen concentration in the H2 + N2 mixture and are mainly related to the adsorption- desorption processes of the Pd film itself. Data on the responsivity dependence versus H2 concentration and versus T2 – T1, are given and discussed. Noise problems are finally taken into account in order to consider the noise equivalent H2 concentration NE_H2.


Volume: 22 (1-3)      Pages from: 631  to: 635

More Information: doi: 10.1016/0924-4247(89)80047-0
KeyWords: thermopile; H2; sensors; Pd;
DOI: 10.1016/0924-4247(89)80047-0

Citations: 3
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