Coherent population trapping resonances in potassium with amplitude-modulated light

Year: 2011

Authors: Gozzini S., Marmugi L., Slavov D., Lucchesini A., Cartaleva S.

Autors Affiliation: INO-CNR, u.o.s. di Pisa, Area della Ricerca, via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy; Institute of Electronics, BAS, boul. Tzarigradsko shosse 72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract: We present the results of an experimental study of Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) in potassium, obtained by means of modulation of laser light amplitude with kHz frequency. The radiation from an external cavity diode laser, matching the D(1) line of K, is modulated by an acousto-optical modulator. In the cell containing buffer gas, the CPT resonance width is reduced more than three orders of magnitude as compared to the cell containing pure potassium vapor. In K this resonance narrowing occurs with high resonance contrast; such behavior is not observed in buffered cells containing Rb or Cs, where the optical pumping to the non-interacting with the light ground level is very effective and depletes the population of the working ground Zeeman sublevels. The narrow CPT resonance of reduced fluorescence transforms to the one of enhanced fluorescence with the cell temperature rising. The transformed resonance exhibits higher contrast and lower width than those of the reduced fluorescence resonance. Hence, beside its scientific importance the resonance sign reversal can be used for the improvement of the CPT resonance parameters.


Volume: 7747      Pages from: 77470O  to: 77470O

KeyWords: Coherent population trapping; Electromagnetically induced transparency; Magnetometry; Coherent spectroscopy; Laser diode
DOI: 10.1117/12.885314

Citations: 3
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