Impulsive electric fields driven by high-intensity laser matter interactions
Year: 2007
Authors: Borghesi M., Kar S., Romagnani L., Toncian T., Antici P., Audebert P., Brambrink E., Ceccherini F., Cecchetti C.A., Fuchs J., Galimberti M., Gizzi L.A., Grismayer T., Lyseikina T., Jung R., Macchi A., Mora P., Osterholtz J., Schiavi A., Willi O.
Autors Affiliation: School of Mathematics and Physics, The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom;
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany;
Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, UMR 7605 CNRS-CEA-Ecole Polytechnique-University Paris VI,Palaiseau, France;
Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Fermi,” Universita’ di Pisa, Pisa, Italy;
Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy;
Centre de Physique Theorique, UMR 7644, CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France;
Dipartimento di Energetica, Universita’ di Roma 1 “La Sapienza,” Roma, Italy
Abstract: The interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously Ultra-large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly-transient, large-amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiments in which Such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channeling in underdense plasmas have been Studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser-irradiated thin metallic foils. Laser-driven impulsive fields at the surface of solid targets can be applied for energy-selective ion beam focusing.
Volume: 25 (1) Pages from: 161 to: 167
KeyWords: high-intensity laser-matter interactions; hot electron dynamics; ion acceleration; ion focusing; proton probingDOI: 10.1017/S0263034607070218Citations: 45data from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) are update at: 2024-10-13References taken from IsiWeb of Knowledge: (subscribers only)Connecting to view paper tab on IsiWeb: Click hereConnecting to view citations from IsiWeb: Click here