Development of an experimental platform for the investigation of laser-plasma interaction in conditions relevant to shock ignition regime

Year: 2022

Authors: Tamagawa T., Hironaka Y., Kawasaki K., Tanaka D., Idesaka T., Ozaki N., Kodama R., Takizawa R., Fujioka S., Yogo A., Batani D., Nicolai P., Cristoforetti G., Koester P., Gizzi L.A., Shigemori K.

Autors Affiliation: Osaka Univ, Inst Laser Engn, 2-6 Yamada Oka, Suita, Osaka 5650871, Japan; Osaka Univ, Grad Sch Engn, 2-6 Yamada Oka, Suita, Osaka 5650871, Japan; Univ Bordeaux, Ctr Lasers Intenses & Applicat, CELIA, CEA,CNRS,UMR 5107, F-33405 Talence, France; INO CNR, Intense Laser Irradiat Lab, I-56124 Pisa, Italy.

Abstract: The shock ignition (SI) approach to inertial confinement fusion is a promising scheme for achieving energy production by nuclear fusion. SI relies on using a high intensity laser pulse (?1016 W/cm2, with a duration of several hundred ps) at the end of the fuel compression stage. However, during laser-plasma interaction (LPI), several parametric instabilities, such as stimulated Raman scattering and two plasmon decay, nonlinearly generate hot electrons (HEs). The whole behavior of HE under SI conditions, including their generation, transport, and final absorption, is still unclear and needs further experimental investigation. This paper focuses on the development of an experimental platform for SI-related experiments, which simultaneously makes use of multiple diagnostics to characterize LPI and HE generation, transport, and energy deposition. Such diagnostics include optical spectrometers, streaked optical shadowgraph, an x-ray pinhole camera, a two-dimensional x-ray imager, a Cu K? line spectrometer, two hot-electron spectrometers, a hard x-ray (bremsstrahlung) detector, and a streaked optical pyrometer. Diagnostics successfully operated simultaneously in single-shot mode, revealing the features of HEs under SI-relevant conditions.


Volume: 93 (6)      Pages from: 063505-1  to: 063505-9

More Information: The authors thank the staff at ILE for the dedicated technical support on laser operation, target fabrication, and plasma diagnostics. This work was done with the support and under the auspices of the NIFS Collaboration Research program (Grant No. 2021NIFS21KUGK136). This work was partly supported by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science, KAKENHI (Grant No. 17H02996), and grants from MEXT Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) (Grant No. JPMXS0118067246).
DOI: 10.1063/5.0089969

Citations: 2
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