Evidence of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid

Year: 2021

Authors: Biagioni G.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Florence, Dipartimento Fis & Astron, Florence, Italy; Univ Florence, LENS, Florence, Italy; CNR INO, Sez Pisa, Pisa, Italy.

Abstract: The elusive supersolid, an exotic quantum phase that combines the properties of a crystalline solid and those of a superfluid, has been recently discovered in a system of Bose-condensed strongly magnetic atoms. In this paper, I report on an experiment that directly demonstrates the superfluid behavior of the dipolar supersolid measuring its anomalous response to a rotational excitation. I complement the illustration of the experimental results with a review and an original interpretation of a seminal model due to Leggett.

Journal/Review: Nuovo Cimento C-Colloquia and Communications in Physics

Volume: 44 (5)      Pages from: 107-1  to: 107-4

KeyWords: scissors mode
DOI: 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21107-5

Citations: 1
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