Light-matter interaction in complex photonics systems: introduction

Year: 2021

Authors: Agio M., Jiang X., Kafesaki M., Koschny T.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Siegen, Lab Nanoopt, D-57072 Siegen, Germany; Res Ctr Micro & Nanochem & Engn C, D-57076 Siegen, Germany; Natl Res Council CNR, Natl Inst Opt INO, I-50125 Florence, Italy; Fudan Univ, Acad Engn & Technol, Inst Future Lighting, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China; Fudan Univ, Sch Informat Sci & Engn, Dept Illuminating Engn & Light Sources, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China; Fudan Univ, Engn Res Ctr Adv Lighting Technol, Minist Educ, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China; Fdn Res & Technol Hellas FORTH, Inst Elect Struct & Laser ESL, Iraklion 70013, Crete, Greece; Univ Crete, Dept Mat Sci & Technol, Iraklion 70013, Crete, Greece; US DOE, Ames Lab, Ames, IA 50011 USA; Iowa State Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Ames, IA 50011 USA.

Abstract: This feature issue presents original work on light-matter interaction in complex photonics systems, which has been a continuously growing area of optics and photonics, in terms of both importance and breadth. From disordered systems to highly controlled micro- and nanostructures, recent decades have witnessed the onset of random media, photonic crystals, metamaterials, plasmonics, and, more recently, metasurfaces.


Volume: 38 (9)      Pages from: LMI1  to: LMI2

KeyWords: photonic crystals, random media, meta-materials, plasmonics, meta-surfaces
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.441711

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