Light pressure in droplet micro-resonators excited by free-space scattering

Year: 2021

Authors: D’Ambrosio D., Capezzuto M., Avino S., Malara P., Giorgini A., De Natale P., Gagliardi G.

Autors Affiliation: CNR, Ist Nazl Ott INO, Via Campi Flegrei 34, I-80078 Pozzuoli, Italy; CNR, Ist Nazl Off INO, Largo E Fermi 6, I-50125 Florence, Italy.

Abstract: A droplet optical resonator is a unique environment to investigate light-matter interaction and optomechanics in liquids. Here, we report on light pressure effects derived from whispering gallery modes excited in a liquid-polymer droplet micro-resonator by free-space laser scattering. From the nonlinear resonance spectrum observed in the visible, we provide evidence of photon pressure exerted at the liquid-air boundary and quantify it with a coherent physical model. Our findings pave the way to studies on micro-rheology and nonlinear optofluidics, where droplets serve as miniature liquid laboratories.

Journal/Review: OPTICS LETTERS

Volume: 46 (13)      Pages from: 3111  to: 3114

More Information: Italian Ministry for University & Research (MUR) (PRIN2017 PELM project) (20177PSCKT).
KeyWords: droplet microresonators, whispering gallery mode, radiation pressure, cavity optomechanics
DOI: 10.1364/OL.427260

Citations: 6
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