
Author: Zou Peng Category: Papers Journals 

1) Dynamic structure factor of a strongly correlated Fermi superfluid within a density functional theory approach in NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
By: Zou P., Dalfovo F., Sharma R., Liu XJ., Hu H. Year: 2016 (Cit.: 8 DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/18/11/113044)

2) Josephson Oscillations and Self-Trapping of Superfluid Fermions in a Double-Well Potential in JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS
By: Zou P., Dalfovo F. Year: 2014 (Cit.: 21 DOI: 10.1007/s10909-014-1209-2)

3) IDOL Stimulates Clathrin-Independent Endocytosis and Multivesicular Body-Mediated Lysosomal Degradation of the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor in MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY
By: Scotti E., Calamai M., Goulbourne C.N., Zhang Li, Hong C., Lin R.R., Choi J., Pilch PF., Fong L.G., Zou P., Ting A.Y., Pavone FS., Young S.G., Tontonoza P. Year: 2013 (Cit.: 66 DOI: 10.1128/MCB.01716-12)