Vannini Matteo

Professional Profile: (Associated)Activity field: Main office/laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino – LENSOffice phone number: 0555225314Laboratory phone number: 0555226228-05552255383E-mail:
ResearcherID: D-1269-2012 OrcidID: 0000-0001-5743-5580 ScopusID: 7006526224
Primary activity: Solid state laser & gas lasers from SWIR (Short Wavelength Infra-Red) to UV. Solid state laser with ceramic active media, Ytterbium laser and other RAEE (Rare earth element) ions as dopant. Recently research on phosphors without RAEE for blu LED conversion in lighting applications. Eye safe power laser (Erbium laser study and future realization).Main experiences acquired: Optics, Non-Linear Optics, Laser Physics, Spectroscopy, RAEE Atomic Physics.Research Groups: Spectroscopy and PHotonics for Environmental Research and Earth StudiesNew Materials For Solid State Sources and Light ConversionOthers Funded Projects in which he/she participates: CERAMICHE MICROSTRUTTURATE TRASPARENTI PER APPLICAZIONI LASER DI ALTA POTENZA: SVILUPPO E VALIDAZIONE – Fase 1Influence of composition and defects on the properties of transparent ceramics and crystals for laser and scintillator
applications.Nuove ceramiche trasparenti di miscele di sesquiossidi per applicazioni laser avanzate: fabbricazione, spettroscopia e prestazioni di emissione laser
Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 116 – Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 112 – Books or Chapters, are: 0 – Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 2 – Conference proceedings, are: 42 – Abstract, are: 5Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2025-02-09 – maximum number of citations for an article: 49 – maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 6.707 – H-INDEX: 23 G-INDEX: 30 HC-INDEX (contemporary): 12 – List of TopTen papers in citations – List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor
applications.Nuove ceramiche trasparenti di miscele di sesquiossidi per applicazioni laser avanzate: fabbricazione, spettroscopia e prestazioni di emissione laser
Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 116 – Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 112 – Books or Chapters, are: 0 – Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 2 – Conference proceedings, are: 42 – Abstract, are: 5Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2025-02-09 – maximum number of citations for an article: 49 – maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 6.707 – H-INDEX: 23 G-INDEX: 30 HC-INDEX (contemporary): 12 – List of TopTen papers in citations – List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor