Research Unit of Naples

Naples research unit of INO is located in the CNR Area ‘Napoli 3’ in Pozzuoli, situated to the west of Naples (Italy). This unit was established in 2000 as the first branch laboratory of the headquarter in Florence.
c/o Comprensorio Olivetti
Via Campi Flegrei 34 – 80078 Pozzuoli (NA).
Tel: 081-8675424/6
Fax: 081-8675420The Head of the unit is: Dr. Gianluca GagliardiResearch Activities: Buffer gas cooling of moleculesHeritage ScienceNonclassical InterferometryOAM States and OptomechanicsOptical SensorsQuadratic CombsUltrastable Optical Parametric Oscillators
Project Funding
In 2025 the activities of the unit are supported by funds of projects, with a total budget of EUR 4.315.168,75Multiplexed OAM Hybrid Near-Mid Infrared Link (OMyLink)Advanced, Disruptive and Emerging QUAntum technologies for DEfence (ADEQUADE)Covert and Advanced multi-modal Sensor Systems for tArget acquisiTion and reconnaissance (CASSATA)Centro Nazionale Mobilità Sotenibile, Spoke 12, Propulsione Innovativa (CN_MOST_SP12)High-resolution interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes for inertial sensing (HFOG)Interferometric Detection of Stretched WAter Properties and their role in biological systems (IDSWAP)Multi-resonant Raman Sensors in liquids (MuRS)Quantum Laser-based Multi-parametric Portable Sensors (Q-LAMPS)SMARTly Quantum light source for Einstein Telescope (SMART_Q_ET)
c/o Comprensorio Olivetti
Via Campi Flegrei 34 – 80078 Pozzuoli (NA).
Tel: 081-8675424/6
Fax: 081-8675420The Head of the unit is: Dr. Gianluca GagliardiResearch Activities: Buffer gas cooling of moleculesHeritage ScienceNonclassical InterferometryOAM States and OptomechanicsOptical SensorsQuadratic CombsUltrastable Optical Parametric Oscillators
Project Funding
In 2025 the activities of the unit are supported by funds of projects, with a total budget of EUR 4.315.168,75Multiplexed OAM Hybrid Near-Mid Infrared Link (OMyLink)Advanced, Disruptive and Emerging QUAntum technologies for DEfence (ADEQUADE)Covert and Advanced multi-modal Sensor Systems for tArget acquisiTion and reconnaissance (CASSATA)Centro Nazionale Mobilità Sotenibile, Spoke 12, Propulsione Innovativa (CN_MOST_SP12)High-resolution interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes for inertial sensing (HFOG)Interferometric Detection of Stretched WAter Properties and their role in biological systems (IDSWAP)Multi-resonant Raman Sensors in liquids (MuRS)Quantum Laser-based Multi-parametric Portable Sensors (Q-LAMPS)SMARTly Quantum light source for Einstein Telescope (SMART_Q_ET)