Extreme Light Infrastructure
Calls: FOE 2011, 2012, 2013
Start date: 2011-01-01 End date: 2016-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 1.550.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 1.550.000,00
Scientific manager: De Natale Paolo – Gizzi Leonida Antonio and for INO is: Gizzi Leonida Antonio
Web Site: Visit Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
other INO’s people involved: Bussolino GianCarloBaffigi FedericaBrandi FernandoBussolino GianCarloCristoforetti GabrieleFerrara PaoloFulgentini LorenzoGiulietti AntonioLabate Luca
In view of these studies, a new laser installation, capable of extreme laser intensities will be developed at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory (ILIL) of the National Institute of Optics in Pisa.
The new laser, an upgrade to the existing high intensity laser at ILIL, will deliver sub-PW power pulses that will be used to drive acceleration of charged particles to high energy and to generate ionizing radiation.
Particle and radiation obtained with this new technique exhibit unprecedented properties of intensity and time structure. Radiobiological effect of these sources will be investigated in view of future applications to radiotherapy and medical diagnostics.
The Scientific Results:
1) A new technique for X-ray spectroscopy of laser-plasmas with simultaneous 2D spatial resolution over a broad spectral range 2) High-charge divergent electron beam generation from high-intensity laser interaction with a gas-cluster target3) Electron radiography using a table-top laser-cluster plasma accelerator4) First electrons from the new 220 TW Frascati Laser for Acceleration and Multidisciplinary Experiments (FLAME) at Frascati National Laboratories (LNF)5) High energy electrons from interaction with a 10 mm gas-jet at FLAME6) Acceleration with self-injection for an all-optical radiation source at LNF7) Precision X-ray spectroscopy of intense laser-plasma interactions8) Investigation on laser-plasma coupling in intense, ultrashort irradiation of a nanostructured silicon target9) Laser-Plasma Particle Sources for Biology and Medicine10) X-ray conversion of ultra-short laser pulses on a solid sample: Role of electron waves excited in the pre-plasma11) Focusing and stabilizing laser-plasma-generated electron beams with magnetic devices12) Particle acceleration based on intense lasers and plasmas: scientific and technological challenges13) The LILIA (laser induced light ions acceleration) experiment at LNF14) IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers15) High energy electrons from interaction with a structured gas-jet at FLAME16) Yb:YAG structured ceramic slabs based on differently doped layers for high energy laser applications17) Interferometric characterization of gas targets used in
laser wakefield acceleration18) Graded Yb:YAG ceramic structures: design, fabrication and characterization of the laser performances