Anticipated synchronization in coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau systems

Year: 2015

Authors: Ciszak M., Mayol C., Mirasso C. R., Toral R.

Autors Affiliation: CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, Florence, Italy; IFISC, Palma De Mallorca, Spain.

Abstract: We study the occurrence of anticipated synchronization in two complex Ginzburg-Landau systems coupled in a master-slave configuration. Master and slave systems are ruled by the same autonomous function, but the slave system receives the injection from the master and is subject to a negative delayed self-feedback loop. We give evidence that the magnitude of the largest anticipation time, obtained for complex-valued coupling constants, depends on the dynamical regime where the system operates (defect turbulence, phase turbulence, or bichaos) and scales with the linear autocorrelation time of the system. We also provide analytical conditions for the stability of the anticipated synchronization manifold that are in qualitative agreement with those obtained numerically. Finally, we report on the existence of anticipated synchronization in coupled two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau systems.


Volume: 92 (3)      Pages from: 032911-1  to: 032911-7

More Information: We thank Professor Daniel Walgraef for useful help concerning the linear-stability analysis. We acknowledge financial support from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (EC) under Project No. FIS2012-30634 (INTENSE@COSYP) and European Social Fund and Govern de les Illes Balears under program Grups Competitius.
KeyWords: Turbulence, Analytical conditions; Autocorrelation time; Autonomous functions; Coupling constants; Dynamical regime; Ginzburg-Landau system; Master-slave configurations; Synchronization manifolds, Synchronization
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.032911

Citations: 13
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