Intrinsic spectral selectivity in ultra-high temperature ceramics for solar applications
Year: 2011
Authors: Mercatelli L., Sani E., Sansoni P., Giannini A., Francini F., Sciti D.
Autors Affiliation: INO-CNR National Institute of Optics, Firenze, Italy;
ISTEC-CNR,Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, Faenza, Italy
Abstract: Different concepts for solar receiver systems have been developed, and each collector architecture (linear parabolic systems, solar dishes, solar tower plants, etc) demands peculiar system solutions [1]. It is a general rule that the efficiency of solar thermal systems rapidly increases with increasing working temperature. In solar tower plants, a critical parameter for temperature increasing is the receiver, where the whole heliostat field concentrates the collected sunlight. The family of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs) can be interesting for this application because of its unique combination of properties. In fact UHTCs are characterized by some of the highest melting points of any known material (3900C for the monocarbides of Ta and Hf), high hardness, good wear resistance, good chemical stability and mechanical strength at high temperatures and high thermal conductivities. Up to now, UHTCs are employed mainly in the aerospace industry for hypersonic vehicles, rocket motor nozzles or atmospheric entry probes capable of the most extreme entry conditions. The ultra-high melting point of UHTCs, together with the unique combination of good thermal conductivity and chemical stability appear intriguing for employing them in high temperature solar furnaces [2].
Conference title: 2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference
Place: Monaco di Baviera – Germania
KeyWords: Atmospheric entry; Critical parameter; Heliostat field; High hardness; High temperature; High temperature solar furnaces; High thermal conductivity; Linear parabolic systems; Monocarbides; Rocket motor; Solar applications; Solar receiver; Solar thermal systems; Solar tower plants; Spectral selectivity; System solution; Ultra-high; Ultra-high-temperature ceramics; Working temperatures, Aerospace industry; Automobile electronic equipment; Carbon fiber reinforced plastics; Ceramic materials; Chemical stability; Electron optics; Hafnium; High temperature applications; Hypersonic aerodynamics; Hypersonic vehicles; Melting point; Optics; Phase transitions; Quantum electronics; Rocket engines; Rocket nozzles; Solar furnaces; Solar heating; Tantalum; Tantalum carbide; Towers; Wear resistance, Thermal conductivityDOI: 10.1109/CLEOE.2011.5942843