Rydberg spectroscopy of a Rb MOT in the presence of applied or ion created electric fields

Year: 2011

Authors: Viteau M., Radogostowicz J., Bason M.G., Malossi N., Ciampini D., Morsch O., Arimondo E.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Pisa, INO CNR, Dipartimento Fis E Fermi, I-56127 Pisa, Italy; Univ Pisa, CNISM UdR Pisa, Dipartimento Fis E Fermi, I-56127 Pisa, Italy

Abstract: Rydberg spectroscopy of rubidium cold atoms trapped in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) was performed in a quartz cell. When electric fields acting on the atoms generated by a plate external to the cell were continuously applied, electric charges on the cell walls were created, as monitored on the Rydberg spectra. Avoiding accumulation of the charges and realizing good control over the applied electric field was instead obtained when the fields were applied only for a short time, typically a few microseconds. In a two-photon excitation via the 6(2)P state to the Rydberg state, the laser resonant with the 5(2)S-6(2)P transition photoionizes the excited state. The photoionization-created ions produce an internal electric field which deforms the excitation spectra, as monitored on the Autler-Townes absorption spectra. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America

Journal/Review: OPTICS EXPRESS

Volume: 19 (7)      Pages from: 6007  to: 6019

More Information: We gratefully acknowledge funding by the EU STREP project NAMEQUAM, the EMALI European Network, a CNISM Progetto Innesco 2007 and a MIUR PRIN-2007. The authors thank A. Chotia for help in a preliminary investigation.
KeyWords: Atoms; Blockade; Polarizabilities; Entanglement; Scalar; States
DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.006007

Citations: 17
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