CALAS: Carpathian Laser Strainmeter – a project and preliminary results

Year: 2008

Authors: Garoi F., Apostol D. A., Damian V., Logofatu P. C., Ionita B. F., Lazar J., Molesini G., Papadopoulos T., Ionescu C., Tugui A.

Autors Affiliation: National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics, Atomiştilor 409, Măgurele 077125, Romania;
Institute of Scientific Instruments, Kralovopolska 147, Brno 61264, Czech Republic;
National Institute of Applied Optics, Largo Enrico Fermi 6, Firenze 50125, Italy;
Natioanal and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Applied Geophysical Laboratory, Christou Lada 6, Athens, Greece;
National Institute for Earth Physics, Călugăreni 12, Măgurele 077125, Romania

Abstract: A laser strainmeter for in-situ monitoring of an important actively seismic area of Europe, namely Vrancea region in Romania is proposed. Six groups from four different countries (Romania, Czech Republic, Italy and Greece) with various areas of expertise (e.g. geophysics, lasers, optics, interferometry, and mechanics) are involved in order to sustain the complexity of the project. This paper presents some preliminary laboratory experiments related to measuring relative displacements with a stable interferometer. Displacements of the order of tens to hundreds of nanometers (80 to 285 nm) were measured with uncertainty of +/-1 nm. A computer algorithm was used to process the interferograms.

Conference title:

KeyWords: Earthquakes; Geophysics; Interferometry; Lasers; Optics; Strain, Czech Republic; In- situ monitoring; Interferograms; Laboratory experiments; Relative displacement; Strain-meter; Vrancea; Vrancea region, Strain measurement

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