Non linear mir generation in ammonia pumped by a continously tunable CO2 laser
Year: 1987
Authors: Bernardini M., Giorgi M., Marchetti S., D’Amato F.
Autors Affiliation: ENEA-TIB
Abstract: By using high power continuously tunable CO2 laser we have frequency analyzed the superfluorescent (S.F.) MIR emission of ammonia around the aR(6,K = 0,1,2) multiplet near the 9R(16) CO2 line. In particular the short pulse without tall produced by high gain high pressure laser allows the analysis of the SF process without perturbation. We have compared the time delay and time width of the SF pulses to some experimental conditions, taking into account the self-focusing/defocusing of the pump pulse, by means of some simple relations of the SF process.
Volume: 48 Pages from: 439 to: 442
KeyWords: FIR Laser; Ammonia; CO2 LaserDOI: 10.1051/jphyscol:19877104