Salasnich Luca

Professional Profile: (Associated)
Activity field:
Main office/laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino – LENS
Office phone number: 049 827 7132
Laboratory phone number: 049 827 7132
Personal Web page: YES

ResearcherID: GPP-1512-2022OrcidID: 0000-0003-0817-4753ScopusID: 56261470700
Primary activity: Full Professor of Condendensed Matter Theory at the University of Padua. The main research activity is the theoretical study of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity in ultracold atoms and other many-body systems.

Main experiences acquired: Statistical physics and many-body theory. Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity for bosons and fermions. BCS_BEC crossover and superconductivity. Atomic and superconducting Josephson junctions. Quantum field theory of ultracold matter. Analytical and numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations. Quantum statistical physics at equilibrium and out of equilibrium. Feynman path-integral and functional integration. Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos. Models of atomic nucleus and nuclear matter. Atomic physics and quantum optics.

Publications, Research Results, now, in INO’s database are: 141
  –   Papers JCR/ISI Journals, are: 141
  –   Books or Chapters, are: 1
  –   Papers in Journals not indexed JCR/ISI, are: 0
  –   Conference proceedings, are: 1
  –   Abstract, are: 0

Bibliometric indices are calculated USING ONLY THE INO DATABASE and the number of citations from “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) is updated at 2024-10-20
  –   maximum number of citations for an article: 546
  –   maximum impact factor (IF) for a journal when an article is published: 17.425
  –   H-INDEX: 39   G-INDEX: 61   HC-INDEX (contemporary): 18 
  –   List of TopTen papers in citations  –   List of TopTen journals in Impact Factor