OPTIcal liMIting and SwiTching with nanoscale photonic structures (OPTIMIST)
Calls: SPS
Start date: 2021-04-19 End date: 2024-04-18
Total Budget: EUR 232.000,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 132.000,00
Scientific manager: Costantino De Angelis and for INO is: De Angelis Costantino
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: INO
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
Australian National University in Canberra
other INO’s people involved: Baratto CamillaDe Ceglia Domenico
The project OPTIMIST aims at the following goals: build a dynamic model to analyse simultaneously optical and thermal effects in PCM-based photonic nanostructures; synthesize and characterize structures for the visible and infrared spectral regions; test the devices for eye and sensor protection.
The project OPTIMIST is financed by NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme.
The Scientific Results:
1) Second order nonlinear frequency generation at the nanoscale in dielectric platforms2) Tunable second harmonic generation by an all-dielectric diffractive metasurface embedded in liquid crystals3) Opto-thermal dynamics of thin-film optical limiters based on the VO2 phase transition4) Optical tuning of dielectric nanoantennas for thermo-optically reconfigurable nonlinear metasurfaces