Potenziamento dei Nodi Italiani in E-RIHS – Rafforzamento del capitale umano delle infrastrutture di Ricerca
Funded by: Ministero dell
Calls: PNIR – Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca; Avviso D.D. n 2595 del 24-12-19
Start date: 2021-02-17 End date: 2024-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 1.886.400,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 259.200,00
Scientific manager: Amedeo Cesta and for INO is: Striova Jana
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR
Calls: PNIR – Programma Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca; Avviso D.D. n 2595 del 24-12-19
Start date: 2021-02-17 End date: 2024-12-31
Total Budget: EUR 1.886.400,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 259.200,00
Scientific manager: Amedeo Cesta and for INO is: Striova Jana
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: CNR
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
other INO’s people involved: Benassi LauraBertasa MoiraFontana RaffaellaGrifoni EmanuelaImpallaria Anna
Abstract: SHINE (Strengthening the Italian Nodes of E-RIHS) aims to strengthen the technological capabilities and the degree of innovation of E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure in Heritage Science), laboratory equipment, portable technologies, and data centers.
The strengthening of SHINE’s human capital involves the hiring of 3 Research Fellows for a period of 3 years each with the following horizontal objectives:
1) development of in-house research activities at the ERIHS.it (UO12) supported by SHINE, to open up new research areas and amplify the attractiveness of the infrastructure for the Italian and international Heritage Science community;
2) to favor an interdisciplinary approach to research and to be able to identify the new frontiers that HS sets itself;
3) favor the internationalization and planning of the Italian node of ERIHS.it to increase its sustainability;
4) develop managerial and organizational skills for the management of infrastructure platforms for the provision of open access to technologies, tools, and know-how in favor of external researchers.
The human capital is represented above all by young researchers who will develop both specialized tools that guarantee support to the OUs and a theoretical basis on the topics related to the interdisciplinary research of Heritage Science (HS). It is proposed to support the already existing governance of SHINE with a specific management committee for young researchers that looks after and monitors their training and growth.
The strengthening of SHINE’s human capital involves the hiring of 3 Research Fellows for a period of 3 years each with the following horizontal objectives:
1) development of in-house research activities at the ERIHS.it (UO12) supported by SHINE, to open up new research areas and amplify the attractiveness of the infrastructure for the Italian and international Heritage Science community;
2) to favor an interdisciplinary approach to research and to be able to identify the new frontiers that HS sets itself;
3) favor the internationalization and planning of the Italian node of ERIHS.it to increase its sustainability;
4) develop managerial and organizational skills for the management of infrastructure platforms for the provision of open access to technologies, tools, and know-how in favor of external researchers.
The human capital is represented above all by young researchers who will develop both specialized tools that guarantee support to the OUs and a theoretical basis on the topics related to the interdisciplinary research of Heritage Science (HS). It is proposed to support the already existing governance of SHINE with a specific management committee for young researchers that looks after and monitors their training and growth.