Quantum Technology Flagship Coordination and Support Action
Funded by: European Commission
Calls: H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020
Start date: 2019-04-01 End date: 2022-03-31
Total Budget: EUR 3.478.996,25 INO share of the total budget: EUR 168.185,00
Scientific manager: Markus Wilkens and for INO is:
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: VDI TECHNOLOGIEZENTRUM GMBH (DE)
Calls: H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020
Start date: 2019-04-01 End date: 2022-03-31
Total Budget: EUR 3.478.996,25 INO share of the total budget: EUR 168.185,00
Scientific manager: Markus Wilkens and for INO is:
Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: VDI TECHNOLOGIEZENTRUM GMBH (DE)
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
Abstract: QFlag will provide the key support towards objectives and the governance structure of the EU FET Flagship on Quantum Technologies (QT).
By establishing an open, transparent and inclusive community driven initiative, the QT Flagship will be able to unfold its full potential, namely to develop and implement a truly European strategy and position Europe as outstanding region of QT excellence in the world.
To this end QFlag will:
I. Coordinate the relevant Flagship stakeholders and link the Flagship to national programmes
II. Coordinate access to QT infrastructure, foster applications of Quantum Technology and facilitate the transfer of results to industry
III. Increase awareness of QT in Europe, both with (potential) end-users and the general public
IV. Foster education and training in QT, both of students and young researchers and engineers, in the field of QT, as well as a “quantum aware workforce”
V. Support the efficient governance of the Quantum Technology Flagship and monitor its progress
The establishment and close involvement of a growing QT community in Europe is a key aspect of the QFlag project.
To this end the project will consult and involve more than 750 QT experts to prepare and update the QT Strategic Research Agenda.
QFlag will identify and make available key QT infrastructure, education and training needs and will trigger the establishment of new curricula in the field.
Dedicated actions are foreseen to pro-actively create synergies between national, regional and European (funding) activities. Moreover, the project will provide a central PR and dissemination services to all QFlag activities including QT Flagship projects, not only to increase the visibility of the sector towards the general public, but also to trigger the uptake of QT Flagship Project results by industry. All QFlag project actions are closely coordinated with the currently running predecessor project, QSA, so that a flying start of the QFlag is ensured.
By establishing an open, transparent and inclusive community driven initiative, the QT Flagship will be able to unfold its full potential, namely to develop and implement a truly European strategy and position Europe as outstanding region of QT excellence in the world.
To this end QFlag will:
I. Coordinate the relevant Flagship stakeholders and link the Flagship to national programmes
II. Coordinate access to QT infrastructure, foster applications of Quantum Technology and facilitate the transfer of results to industry
III. Increase awareness of QT in Europe, both with (potential) end-users and the general public
IV. Foster education and training in QT, both of students and young researchers and engineers, in the field of QT, as well as a “quantum aware workforce”
V. Support the efficient governance of the Quantum Technology Flagship and monitor its progress
The establishment and close involvement of a growing QT community in Europe is a key aspect of the QFlag project.
To this end the project will consult and involve more than 750 QT experts to prepare and update the QT Strategic Research Agenda.
QFlag will identify and make available key QT infrastructure, education and training needs and will trigger the establishment of new curricula in the field.
Dedicated actions are foreseen to pro-actively create synergies between national, regional and European (funding) activities. Moreover, the project will provide a central PR and dissemination services to all QFlag activities including QT Flagship projects, not only to increase the visibility of the sector towards the general public, but also to trigger the uptake of QT Flagship Project results by industry. All QFlag project actions are closely coordinated with the currently running predecessor project, QSA, so that a flying start of the QFlag is ensured.