Metrology for air pollutant emissions (IMPRESS 2)
Start date: 2017-06-01 End date: 2020-11-30
Total Budget: EUR 2.273.157,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 90.000,00
Scientific manager: Rod Robinson and for INO is: D’Amato Francesco
Web Site: Visit Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: NATIONAL METROLOGY INSTITUTE -NPL Management Limited
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
CEM Centro Español de Metrologia – Spain
CMI Cesky Metrologicky Institut – Czech Republic
DTI Teknologisk Institut – Denmark
DTU Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – Denmark
ENEA Ag Naz. per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e sviluppo economico sostenibile
INERIS Institut national de l’environ industriel et des risques ineris-France
ISSI Azienda Speciale Innovhub – Stazioni Sperimentali per L’Industria – Italy
PTB Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt – Germany
RISE RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB – Sweden
TU Delft Technische Universiteit Delft – Netherlands
UC3M Universidad Carlos III De Madrid – Spain
VSL VSL B.V. – Netherlands
VTT Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy – Finland
other INO’s people involved: Viciani SilviaBarucci MarcoMontori AlessioViciani Silvia

Two measurement campaigns were carried out. The first one, at INERIS (F), verified the stability of different optical detection techniques versus the composition of the exhaust gases. For the first time, a multipass cell was deployed directly inside a stack, at the temperature of 140 °C. The second campaign, at ISSI Innovhub (MI), verified the effect of turbulence on the propagation of the exhaust gases, by measuring the concentration of a tracer gas in different points of the stack.
INO’s Experiments/Theoretical Study correlated:
IMPRESS 2 – Innovative Metrology for Pollution Regulation of Emissions from Stacks and area Sources
Gas analyzers for geological applications
The Scientific Results:
1) EMPIR project IMPRESS2: metrology for air pollutant emission2) Campagna di misura del Progetto IMPRESS 2 presso ISSI Innovhub – Misure di flusso in camino, Ottobre 20193) Campagna di misura del Progetto IMPRESS 2 presso ISSI Innovhub – Misure di flusso in camino, Novembre 20194) Optical detection of ammonia inside a stack: Comparison of different techniques5) Campagna di misura del Progetto IMPRESS 2 presso ISSI Innovhub – Misure di flusso in camino, intercalibrazione di tre tecniche di misura della velocità6) Spectroscopic Techniques versus Pitot Tube for the Measurement of Flow Velocity in Narrow Ducts