Active Ageing at Home
Start date: 2013-07-01 End date: 2016-06-30
Total Budget: EUR 8.489.540,00 INO share of the total budget: EUR 236.800,00
Scientific manager: Gianfranco Borrelli and for INO is: Bartalini Saverio
Web Site: Visit Organization/Institution/Company main assignee: eresult
other Organization/Institution/Company involved:
other INO’s people involved: Borri Simone
In this context, this project aims at realizing services for elderly people to improve the quality of life by means of ICT solutions, both fixed and mobile (wearable and not), pervasive and with low invasiveness according to Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigms. The proposed solutions want to improve the sense of safety and comfort perceived by self-sufficient elderly in their home environment.
We aim at realizing personalized services which can guide people to carry out a healthy life style and to maintain their level of autonomy in different dimensions (security, mobility, memory, sociality).
The goal is to allow individuals to have an active role in managing their own health and in maintaining good health conditions by the creation of a “virtual” model of the person which reflects important characteristics that are specific of each one (e.g. personal profile, risk factors, harmful behaviors, tastes and personal preferences, eating habits, level of physical activity, sleep/wake rhythm, etc..) and can provide personalized indications by interacting with the individual to make her/him more conscious of unhealthy behavior.
The goal is to obtain a Personal Guidance to guide people’s behavior and habits for their benefit, their well-being and for applying preventive actions (primary and secondary) by means of gateways on the person (home gateway, mobile phone/smartphone, wearable dedicated devices) providing information (signals) which can help in changing the habits toward behaviors which prevents diseases or reduce their worsening.
The technologies we are going to propose are largely based on heterogeneous, distributed and connected smart-sensors, smart-actuators and smart-devices integrated into a scalable technological platform, which is context-aware and enables services to assist and monitor users in their own life environment.
The solutions and services proposed in the project will be designed using a user centered methodology allowing to realize such innovative products according to the specificity and habits of the users. Among them, multi-sensing solutions will be projected and realized for the prevention/detection of critical or potentially interesting events related both to the person (falls, unconsciousness, difficulty in walking,… ) and the environment (flooding, presence of gas and smoke, temperature,…).
INO-CNR contributes to the project with the development of optical (photoacoustic) sensors for the detection of small quantities of toxic gases, which can be dangerous for human health in domestic environments.
The Scientific Results:
1) Intracavity quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor2) Cavity and quartz enhanced photo-acoustic mid-IR sensor3) Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensing of H2S4) Intracavity Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Sensor for Mid-Infrared Trace-Gas Detection5) Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor coupled with high-finesse optical cavity6) Widely-tunable mid-infrared fiber-coupled quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for environmental monitoring7) High finesse optical cavity coupled with a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopic sensor