Displacement of entanglement back and forth between the micro and macro domains

Year: 2013

Authors: Bruno N., Martin A., Sekatski P., Sangouard N., Thew R.T., Gisin N.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Geneva, Appl Phys Grp, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland.

Abstract: Quantum theory is often presented as the theory describing the microscopic world, and admittedly, it has done this extremely well for decades. Nonetheless, the question of whether it applies to macroscopic scales remains open, despite many efforts(1-3). Here, we report on entanglement exhibiting strong analogies with the Schrodinger cat state as it involves two macroscopically distinct states- two states that can be efficiently distinguished using detectors with no microscopic resolution(4). Specifically, we start by generating entanglement between two spatial optical modes at the single-photon level and subsequently displace one of these modes up to almost a thousand photons(5). To reliably check whether entanglement is preserved, the state is redisplaced back to the single-photon level and a well-established entanglement measure(6), based on single-photon detection, is applied. Our results provide a tool to address fundamental questions about quantum theory and hold potential for more applied problems, for instance in quantum sensing.

Journal/Review: NATURE PHYSICS

Volume: 9 (9)      Pages from: 545  to: 548

More Information: We thank B. Sanguinetti and H. Zbinden for stimulating discussions and IDQ for the loan of ID210 detectors. This work was supported in part by the EU project Q-Essence and the Swiss SNSF project-CR23I2 127118.
KeyWords: Quantum; Decoherence
DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2681

Citations: 78
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