Localized and Extended States in a Disordered Trap

Year: 2011

Authors: Pezzè L., Sanchez-Palencia L.

Autors Affiliation: CNRS, Lab Charles Fabry, Inst Opt, F-91127 Palaiseau, France; Univ Paris Sud, F-91127 Palaiseau, France.

Abstract: We study Anderson localization in a disordered potential combined with an inhomogeneous trap. We show that the spectrum displays both localized and extended states, which coexist at intermediate energies. In the region of coexistence, we find that the extended states result from confinement by the trap and are weakly affected by the disorder. Conversely, the localized states correspond to eigenstates of the disordered potential, which are only affected by the trap via an inhomogeneous energy shift. These results are relevant to disordered quantum gases and we propose a realistic scheme to observe the coexistence of localized and extended states in these systems.


Volume: 106 (4)      Pages from: 40601-1  to: 40601-4

More Information: We thank T. Giamarchi and B. van Tiggelen for discussions and ANR (Contract No. ANR-08-blan-0016-01), Triangle de la Physique, LUMAT and IFRAF for support.
KeyWords: Bose-einstein Condensate; Anderson Localization; Fermi Gas; Lattices; Physics; Atoms; Phase
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.040601

Citations: 22
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