Highly Efficient Interfacing of Guided Plasmons and Photons in Nanowires

Year: 2009

Authors: Chen X.W., Sandoghdar V., Agio M.

Autors Affiliation: ETH, Lab Phys Chem & OptETH, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.

Abstract: Successful exploitations of strongly confined surface plasmon-polaritons critically rely on their efficient and rapid conversion to lossless channels. We demonstrate a simple, robust, and broadband butt-coupling technique for connecting a metallic nanowire and a dielectric nanofiber. Conversion efficiencies above 95% in the visible and close to 100% in the near-infrared can be achieved with realistic parameters. Moreover, by combining butt-coupling with nanofocusing, we propose a broadband high-throughput near-field optical microscope.

Journal/Review: NANO LETTERS

Volume: 9 (11)      Pages from: 3756  to: 3761

More Information: We thank F. De Angelis and E. Di Fabrizio for fruitful discussions. This work was supported by ETH Zurich Grant TH-49/06-1.
KeyWords: Surface-plasmons; Tip; Microscopy; Polaritons; Excitation
DOI: 10.1021/nl9019424

Citations: 92
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