Scanning near-field optical coherent spectroscopy of single molecules at 1.4 K

Year: 2007

Authors: Gerhardt I., Wrigge G., Agio M., Bushev P., Zumofen G., Sandoghdar V.

Autors Affiliation: ETH, Phys Chem Lab, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland.

Abstract: We present scanning near-field extinction spectra of single molecules embedded in a solid matrix. By varying the tip-molecule separation, we modify the line shape of the spectra, demonstrating the coherent nature of the interaction between the incident laser light and the excited state of the molecule. We compare the measured data with the outcome of numerical calculations and find a very good agreement.

Journal/Review: OPTICS LETTERS

Volume: 32 (11)      Pages from: 1420  to: 1422

KeyWords: Microscopy
DOI: 10.1364/OL.32.001420

Citations: 19
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