Cleaning the Virgo sampled data for the search of per iodic sources of gravitational waves

Year: 2009

Authors: Acernese F., Alshourbagy M., Antonucci F., Aoudia S., Arun KG., Astone P., Ballardin G., Barone F., Barsuglia M., Bauer TS., Beker M., Bigotta S., Birindelli S., Bizouard MA., Boccara C., Bondu F., Bonelli L., Bosi L., Braccini S., Bradaschia C., Brillet A., Brisson V., Bulten HJ., Buskulic D., Cagnoli G., Calloni E., Campagna E., Canuel B., Carbognani F., Carbone L., Cavalier F., Cavalieri R., Cella G., Mottin EC., Chatterji S., Chincarini A., Cleva F., Coccia E., Colas J., Colla A., Colombini M., Corda C., Corsi A., Coulon JP., Cuoco E., D’Antonio S., Dari A., Dattilo V., Davier M., Day R., De Rosa R., del Prete M., Di Fiore L., Di Lieto A., Emilio MDP., Di Virgilio A., Drago M., Fafone V., Ferrante I., Fidecaro F., Fiori I., Flaminio R., Fournier JD., Franc J., Frasca S., Frasconi F., Freise A., Gammaitoni L., Garufi F., Gemme G., Genin E., Gennai A., Giazotto A., Granata M., Granata V., Greverie C., Guidi G., Heitmann H., Hello P., Hild S., Huet D., La Penna P., Leroy N., Letendre N., Lorenzini M., Loriette V., Losurdo G., Mackowski JM., Majorana E., Man N., Mantovani M., Marchesoni F., Marion F., Marque J., Martelli F., Masserot A., Menzinger F., Michel C., Milano L., Minenkov Y., Mohan M., Moreau J., Morgado N., Morgia A., Mosca S., Moscatelli V., Mours B., Neri I., Nocera F., Pagliaroli G., Palomba C., Paoletti F., Pardi S., Pasqualetti A., Passaquieti R., Passuello D., Persichetti G., Pichot M., Piergiovanni F., Pinard L., Poggiani R., Prato M., Prodi GA., Punturo M., Puppo P., Rabaste O., Rapagnani P., Re V., Regimbau T., Ricci F., Robinet F., Rocchi A., Rolland L., Romano R., Ruggi P., Salemi F., Sassolas B., Sentenac D., Sturani R., Swinkels B., Terenzi R., Toncelli A., Tonelli M., Tournefier E., Travasso F., Trummer J., Vajente G., van den Brand JFJ., van der Putten S., Vavoulidis M., Vedovato G., Verkindt D., Vetrano F., Vicery A., Vinet JY., Vocca H., Was M., Yvert M.

Autors Affiliation: European Gravitat Observ EGO, I-56021 Cascina, Pi, Italy; Univ Paris 11, CNRS, IN2P3, LAL, F-91898 Orsay, France; Observ Cote Azur, CNRS, Dept Artemis, F-06304 Nice, France; Univ Roma La Sapienza, INFN, I-00185 Rome, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Roma, I-00185 Rome, Italy; Univ Pisa, Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, I-56127 Pisa, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Pisa, I-56127 Pisa, Italy; Univ Siena, INFN, I-53100 Siena, Italy; Univ Salerno, INFN, I-84084 Salerno, Italy; Univ Naples Federico 2, INFN, I-80126 Naples, Italy; Univ Birmingham, Sch Phys & Astron, Birmingham B15 2TT, W Midlands, England; CNRS, IN2P3, Lab Mat Avances LMA, F-69622 Lyon, France; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Genova, I-16146 Genoa, Italy; Univ Padua, INFN, I-35131 Padua, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Padova, I-35131 Padua, Italy; Univ Trent, INFN, I-38050 Trento, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Grp Coll Trento, I-38050 Trento, Italy; Univ Aquila, INFN, I-67100 Laquila, Italy; Univ Roma Tor Vergata, INFN, I-00133 Rome, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Roma Tor Vergata, I-00133 Rome, Italy; Ist Fis Spazio Interplanetario IFSI INAF, INFN, I-00133 Rome, Italy; ESPCI, CNRS, F-75005 Paris, France; Univ Perugia, INFN, I-6123 Perugia, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Perugia, I-6123 Perugia, Italy; Univ Urbino Carlo Bo, INFN, I-61029 Urbino, Italy; Univ Florence, INFN, I-50121 Florence, Italy; INFN, Sez Firenze, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Natl Inst Subatom Phys, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands; Natl Inst Subatom Phys, NL-1009 DB Amsterdam, Netherlands; Univ Savoie, Lab Annecy Le Vieux Phys Particules, CNRS, IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy Le Vieux, France; Univ Paris 07, Observ Paris, AstroParticule & Cosmol APC, CEA DSM IRFU,CNRS IN2P3 UMR7164, F-75221 Paris 05, France; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Napoli, I-80126 Naples, Italy.

Abstract: The cleaning procedure used to produce the data that we analyze for the search of periodic sources of gravitational waves is based on different steps, which are applied to both time and frequency domain data. We have recently improved the procedure, which now consists of different steps. The use of a cleaned procedure is in principle important, since it is aimed to recover at best the observation time from the data by vetoing only times where disturbances act and not entire data chunks. Clearly, the effect of the procedure depends on the nature of the data, and is thus highly related to the detector characteristics in a particular run. We will here describe the whole cleaning chain, by giving details and examples based on the C7 and WSR10 Virgo runs.


Volume: 26 (20)      Pages from: 204002-1  to: 204002-10

DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/26/20/204002

Citations: 9
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