Synthesis and characterization of semiconducting nanowires for gas sensing

Year: 2007

Authors: Sberveglieri G., Baratto C., Comini E., Faglia G., Ferroni A., Ponzoni A., Vomiero A.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Brescia, CNR INFM, SENSOR Lab, I-25133 Brescia, Italy; Univ Brescia, Dipartimento Chim & Fis Ingn & Mat, I-25133 Brescia, Italy.

Abstract: Quasi one-dimensional nanostructures of semiconducting metal oxides are promising for the development of nano-devices. Tin, indium, and zinc oxides were produced in form of single-crystalline nanowires through condensation from vapor phase. Such a growth occurs in controlled thermodynamical condition and size reduction effects on the electrical and optical response to gases have been exploited. Preparation, microstructural, and electrical characterization of nanowires are presented and the peculiarities of these innovative structures are highlighted. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Volume: 121 (1)      Pages from: 208  to: 213

More Information: Financial support from European Union and MIUR is gratefully acknowledged: “Nanostructured solid-state gas sensors with superior performance-NANOS4” STREP project no. 001528. “Nanostructured semiconductors for chemical sensing” PRIN project 2004. “Quasi mono dimensional nanosensors for label free ultra sensitive biological detection” PRIN project 2005.
KeyWords: nanowires; SnO2; In2O3; ZnO; ozone
DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2006.09.049

Citations: 156
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