Interplay of superradiance and disorder in the Anderson Model

Year: 2013

Authors: Celardo G.L., Biella A., Kaplan L., Borgonovi F.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Cattolica, Dipartimento Matemat & Fis, I-25121 Brescia, Italy; Univ Cattolica, Interdisciplinary Labs Adv Mat Phys, I-25121 Brescia, Italy; Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Pavia, I-27100 Pavia, Italy; Tulane Univ, Dept Phys, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA.

Abstract: Using a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian approach to open systems, we study the interplay of disorder and superradiance in a one-dimensional Anderson model. Analyzing the complex eigenvalues of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, a transition to a superradiant regime is shown to occur. As an effect of openness the structure of eigenstates undergoes a strong change in the superradiant regime: we show that the sensitivity to disorder of the superradiant and the subradiant subspaces is very different; superradiant states remain delocalized as disorder increases, while subradiant states are sensitive to the degree of disorder.


Volume: 61 (2-3)      Pages from: 250  to: 260

More Information: We acknowledge useful discussions with I. Rotter, R. Kaiser, F. Izrailev and V. G. Zelevinsky. This work has been supported by Regione Lombardia and CILEA Consortium through a LISA Initiative (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Advanced Simulation) 2011 grant [link:]. Support by the grant D.2.2 2011 (Calcolo ad alte prestazioni) from Universita Cattolica is also acknowledged.
KeyWords: Anderson model; superradiance
DOI: 10.1002/prop.201200082

Citations: 35
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