Superfluidity of the 1D Bose gas

Year: 2004

Authors: Carusotto I., Castin Y.

Autors Affiliation: Ecole Normale Super, Lab Kastler Brossel, F-75231 Paris 05, France; BEC INFM Res & Dev Ctr, Trento, Italy.

Abstract: We have investigated the superfluid properties of a ring of weakly interacting and degenerate 1D Bose gas at thermal equilibrium with a rotating vessel. The conventional definition of superfluidity predicts that the gas has a significant superfluid fraction only in the Bose condensed regime. In the opposite regime, it is found that a superfluid behaviour can still be identified when the probability distribution of the total momentum of the gas has a multi-peaked structure, revealing unambiguously the existence of ’superfluid’ supercurrent states that did not show up in the conventional definition of superfluidity. (C) 2004 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Volume: 5 (1)      Pages from: 107  to: 127

More Information: We acknowledge useful discussions with Anthony Leggett, Jean Dalibard, Lev Pitaevskii. I.C. acknowledges a Marie Curie grant from the EU under contract number HPMF-CT-2000-00901. Laboratoire Kastler Brossel is a Unité de Recherche de l’École Normale Supérieure et de l’Université Paris 6, associée au CNRS.
KeyWords: superfluidity; one-dimensional; Bose gas
DOI: 10.1016/j.crhy.2004.01.007

Citations: 10
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