An exact reformulation of the Bose-Hubbard model in terms of a stochastic Gutzwiller ansatz

Year: 2003

Authors: Carusotto I., Castin Y.

Autors Affiliation: Ecole Normale Super, Lab Kastler Brossel, F-75231 Paris 05, France.

Abstract: We extend our exact reformulation of the bosonic many-body problem in terms of a stochastic Hartree ansatz to a stochastic Gutzwiller ansatz for the Bose – Hubbard model. The use of this ansatz makes the corresponding Monte Carlo scheme more efficient for strongly correlated bosonic phases like the Mott insulator phase or the Tonks phase. We present a first numerical application of this stochastic method to a system of impenetrable bosons on a 1D lattice showing the transition from the discrete Tonks gas to the Mott phase as the chemical potential is increased.


Volume: 5      Pages from: 91-1  to: 91-13

KeyWords: Josephson-junction Arrays; Quantum Phase-transition; Einstein Condensate; Mott Insulator; Superfluid; Coherence; Field; Gas; Atoms
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/5/1/391

Citations: 15
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