Dynamics of a quantal system

Year: 1994

Authors: Kondratyev V.N., Smerzi A., Bonasera A.

Autors Affiliation: Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud, INFN, v. A. Doria (ang. v. S. Sofia), 95125 Catania, Italy; Institute for Nuclear Research, 47, Pr. Nauki, Kiev 252022, Ukraine; Dipartimento di Fisica dellŽUniversitaŽ di Catania, Catania, Italy

Abstract: The quantum corrections to the Vlasov equation are analysed in the framework of the Wigner representation. The method is applied to multipole vibration of nuclei and subbarrier heavy ion collisions. Using micro- and macroscopic models we demonstrate that quantum terms result in coherence effects for dipole and quadrupole giant resonances. Anomalous behaviour of protons transfer probability due to the Fermi surface deformation is predicted.


Volume: 577 (3-4)      Pages from: 813  to: 828

More Information: Authors are indebted to ProfessorE Schuck and ProfessorJ. Maruhn for numerous constructive discussions. The hospitalityo f the INFN-LNS Catania( Italy) and financial supportf rom INFN and Dipartimentdoi Fisica of Catania( Italy) are gratefully acknowledgebdy one of us (V.N.K.).
KeyWords: Chaotic Systems; Phase-space; Matrix-elements; Wigner; Nuclei; Fluctuations; Mechanics; Equation
DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(94)90946-6

Citations: 9
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