Giant dipole emission as a probe of the entrance channel dynamics

Year: 1996

Authors: Baran V., Colonna M., Di Toro M., Guarnera A., Smerzi A.

Autors Affiliation: Laboratorio Nationale del Sud, INFN 44, 95125 Catania, Via S. Sofia, Italy; GANIL, Caen, France; Physics. Dept., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, United States

Abstract: In this article we focus on specific features associated with the giant dipole gamma-ray emission from deformed long-living nuclear systems. Solving numerically the Vlasov equation, we follow the fusion path for entrance channels with different mass asymmetry in low-energy heavy-ion collisions, just above the fusion threshold, We observe the formation of long-living deformed compound nuclei in the more symmetric cases. We show that very important features, such as the energy and the angular correlation of the emitted gamma’s, are characteristic effects of the emission from such deformed systems, For charge-asymmetric channels we reveal the presence of a new ’’direct’’ dipole mode, related to the charge equilibration dynamics. From the interplay between charge and the shape equilibration time scales we can suggest new experiments to study the dipole propagation in excited nuclei.


Volume: 600 (1)      Pages from: 111  to: 130

More Information: One of the authors (V.B.) gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the INFN-LNS Catania (Italy) and the financial support from INFN, We are deeply grateful to our experimentalist colleagues G. Cardella, M. Papa and G. Pappalardo for many enlightening discussions. This work is supported in part by the Commission of the European Community, under Contract No. ERBCHBI-CT-930619, and by the US National Science Foundation under Grant PHY-94-21309.
KeyWords: Fusion Reactions; Zero-temperature; Resonances; Collisions; Nuclei; Time; Fission; Barrier
DOI: 10.1016/0375-9474(96)00014-0

Citations: 48
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