Searching for instabilities in nuclear dynamics

Year: 1993

Authors: Colonna M., Di Toro M., Guarnera A., Latora V., Smerzi A.

Autors Affiliation: Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud-INFN and Physics Department, 44, v. S. Sofia, I-95125 Catania, Italy

Abstract: We present a general procedure to identify instability regions which lead to multifragmentation events in heavy ion collisions. The method covers all possible sources of dynamical instabilities. Information on the instability point, like the time when the nuclear system enters the critical region, the most unstable modes and the time constant of the exponential growing of the relative variances, are deduced without any numerical bias. Some hints towards a fully dynamical picture of fragmentation processes are finally suggested.


Volume: 307 (3-4)      Pages from: 273  to: 277

DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(93)90218-7

Citations: 22
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