Generation of hybrid polarization-orbital angular momentum entangled states

Year: 2010

Authors: Nagali E., Sciarrino F.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento Fis, I-00185 Rome, Italy; CNR, INO, I-50125 Florence, Italy.

Abstract: Hybrid entangled states exhibit entanglement between different degrees of freedom of a particle pair and thus could be useful for asymmetric optical quantum network where the communication channels are characterized by different properties. We report the first experimental realization of hybrid polarization-orbital angular momentum (OAM) entangled states by adopting a spontaneous parametric down conversion source of polarization entangled states and a polarization-OAM transferrer. The generated quantum states have been characterized through quantum state tomography. Finally, the violation of Bell’s inequalities with the hybrid two photon system has been observed.

Journal/Review: OPTICS EXPRESS

Volume: 18 (17)      Pages from: 18243  to: 18248

More Information: This work was supported by FARI project, Finanziamento Ateneo 2009 of Sapienza Universita di Roma, project PHORBITECH of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open grant number 255914, and project HYTEQ FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca (MIUR).
KeyWords: Qutrits
DOI: 10.1364/OE.18.018243

Citations: 53
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