High-efficiency focusing of hard X-rays exploiting the quasi-mosaic effect in a bent germanium crystal

Year: 2014

Authors: Camattari R., Paterno G., Battelli A., Bellucci V., Bastie P., Guidi V.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Ferrara, Dept Phys & Earth Sci, INFN, I-44122 Ferrara, Italy; CNR INO Sensor, Natl Inst Opt, Rome, Italy; Univ Grenoble 1, CNRS, UMR 5588, Lab Spectrometrie Phys, F-38402 St Martin Dheres, France; Inst Max Von Laue Paul Langevin, ILL, F-38042 Grenoble, France.

Abstract: A germanium crystal was bent through a grid of superficial grooves, manufactured on the sample surface. The resulting diffraction planes were bent thanks to quasi-mosaicity, which is an effect of mechanical anisotropy in crystals. High integrated diffraction efficiency was achieved in symmetric Laue geometry with a monochromatic X-ray beam set at 150 and 300 keV. It is demonstrated that the sample is capable of efficiently focusing X-rays. Such crystals can be used as optical components to focalize X-and gamma-rays in a high-resolution Laue lens.


Volume: 47      Pages from: 799  to: 802

More Information: The authors are grateful to ASI for financial support through the Laue project. The authors are also thankful to INFN for financial support through the LOGOS project. T. Buslaps and V. Honkimaki are gratefully acknowledged for technical assistance at beamline ID15A of ESRF, and Gerald Klug from Disco Europe (Munich, Germany) for support with crystal grooving.
KeyWords: High Diffraction Efficiency; Curved Crystals; Silicon Crystal; Broad-band; Energy
DOI: 10.1107/S1600576714005056

Citations: 11
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