Plasmonic Nanocone Scanning Antenna: Fabrication and Optical Properties

Year: 2024

Authors: Kambalathmana H., Flatae AM., Biagini C., Tantussi F., De Angelis F., Agio M.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Siegen, Lab Nanoopt, D-57072 Siegen, Germany; Ist Italiano Tecnol, Plasmon Nanotechnol, I-16163 Genoa, Italy; Natl Inst Opt INO, Natl Res Council CNR, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.

Abstract: Optical antennas are nanostructures that introduce unprecedented possibilities for light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. An appropriately tailored plasmonic antenna can enhance the total radiative decay rate and modify the angular radiation pattern of a single-quantum emitter through controlled near-field coupling. Despite their ability to surpass the fundamental diffraction limit and confine the electromagnetic field to a tiny mode volume, fabricating 3D sharp scanning nanoscale plasmonic structures with desired aspect ratio is yet an ambitious goal. The fabrication of nanocones by gold evaporation on commercial atomic force microscopy probes followed by a focused ion beam milling technique is presented. The method is versatile and allows the fabrication of nanocones with desired dimensions around 100 nm along with an aspect ratio of approximate to 1. Their optical properties are studied and it is shown how the variation in the refractive index of the dielectric substrate affects the localized surface plasmon resonance of the nanocones, the decay rate enhancement, and the quantum yield of an emitter relevant for fluorescence/Raman scanning experiments. Theoretical studies using finite-difference time-domain calculations have guided the fabrication process and are consistent with experimental results. We present a nanofabrication method using gold evaporation on atomic force microscope probes followed by focused ion beam milling, yielding nanocones of about 100 nm dimensions. Our research explores how substrate refractive index variations impact the nanocone properties, influencing localized surface plasmon resonance, decay rates, and quantum yield. Theoretical calculations guide the fabrication process, aligning with experimental outcomes.


Volume: 5 (3)      Pages from:   to:

More Information: The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Siegen and the German Research Foundation (DFG) (INST 221/118-1 FUGG, 410405168). The authors gratefully acknowledge E. Woerner, and C. Wild of Diamond Materials GmbH for providing samples and valuable discussions. H.K. acknowledges support from N. Soltani, P. Reuschel, and F. Sledz for fruitful discussions. H.K. acknowledges V. Raj, V. Padayattil, and J. Thomas for supporting data analysis and discussions.
KeyWords: nanostructures; optical antennas; Purcell enhancements; quantum emitters
DOI: 10.1002/adpr.202300058

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