ICE-CAMERA: a flatbed scanner to study inland Antarctic polar precipitation

Year: 2022

Authors: Del Guasta., M.

Autors Affiliation: CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.

Abstract: Studying precipitation at very high latitudes is difficult because of the harsh environmental conditions that limit the external activity of humans and instruments, especially in the polar winter. The direct monitoring of ice crystal habits and size distribution in Antarctic precipitation is important for the validation of the algorithms used for retrieving precipitation from ground-based and satellite-borne radar instruments and for the improvement of the climatological modelling of polar areas. This paper describes an automated device (ICE-CAMERA) specifically developed for the imaging, measurement, and classification of ice precipitation on the Antarctic high plateau. The instrument gives detailed information on precipitation on an hourly basis. The article provides a description of the device and its image processing software. Starting in 2014, the instrument has operated almost unattended all year round at Concordia station, Antarctica (75 degrees S, 123 degrees E, 3220 m altitude).


Volume: 15 (22)      Pages from: 6521  to: 6544

More Information: AcknowledgementsI am grateful to the Italian Antarctic Project PNRA for supporting this work with the projects ICE-CAMERA (PNRA 2009/A4.1) and PRE-REC (PNRA 2013/AC3.05). I am also grateful to the Osservatorio Meteo-Climatologico Antartico (PNRA 14_00100) for the Meteo data and to all the logistics staff and winter-over crews of Concordia station, all working hard to permit our scientific activity. I am also grateful to Francesco Castagnoli (INO CNR) for the initial design of the instrument.
KeyWords: Dome-c; Hydrometeor Classification; Crystal Precipitation; South-pole; Fall Speed; Snowfall; Plateau; Disdrometer; Resolution; Radar
DOI: 10.5194/amt-15-6521-2022

Citations: 3
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