Multilevel synchronization of human β-cells networks

Year: 2023

Authors: Luchetti N., Filippi S., Loppini A.

Autors Affiliation: Ist Italiano Tecnol, Ctr Life Nano & Neurosci, Rome, Italy; Univ Campus Biomed Roma, Engn Dept, Rome, Italy; CNR, Natl Inst Opt, Florence, Italy; Int Ctr Relativist Astrophys Network, Pescara, Italy.

Abstract: beta-cells within the endocrine pancreas are fundamental for glucose, lipid and protein homeostasis. Gap junctions between cells constitute the primary coupling mechanism through which cells synchronize their electrical and metabolic activities. This evidence is still only partially investigated through models and numerical simulations. In this contribution, we explore the effect of combined electrical and metabolic coupling in beta-cell clusters using a detailed biophysical model. We add heterogeneity and stochasticity to realistically reproduce beta-cell dynamics and study networks mimicking arrangements of beta-cells within human pancreatic islets. Model simulations are performed over different couplings and heterogeneities, analyzing emerging synchronization at the membrane potential, calcium, and metabolites levels. To describe network synchronization, we use the formalism of multiplex networks and investigate functional network properties and multiplex synchronization motifs over the structural, electrical, and metabolic layers. Our results show that metabolic coupling can support slow wave propagation in human islets, that combined electrical and metabolic synchronization is realized in small aggregates, and that metabolic long-range correlation is more pronounced with respect to the electrical one.


Volume: 3      Pages from: 1264395-1  to: 1264395-12

More Information: AL and SF acknowledge the support of the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), Italy. All the authors acknowledge the support of the Italian National Group for Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM). All the authors acknowledge the support from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme under the Research and Innovation Action GA n. 101070546-MUQUABIS and the IR0000011-EBRAINS-Italy PNRR research infrastructure.
KeyWords: functional networks; multiplex; metabolic coupling; calcium wave; bursting; slow oscillations; islets; hubs
DOI: 10.3389/fnetp.2023.1264395

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