Efficient information reconciliation for high-dimensional quantum key distribution

Year: 2024

Authors: Mueller R., Ribezzo D., Zahidy M., Oxenlowe LK., Bacco D., Forchhammer S.

Autors Affiliation: Tech Univ Denmark, Dept Elect & Photon Engn, Lyngby, Denmark; Natl Inst Opt, Natl Res Council, Florence, Italy; Univ Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy; Univ Florence, Dept Phys & Astron, Florence, Italy.

Abstract: The information reconciliation phase in quantum key distribution has significant impact on the range and throughput of any QKD system. We explore this stage for high-dimensional QKD implementations and introduce two novel methods for reconciliation. The methods are based on nonbinary LDPC codes and the Cascade algorithm, respectively, and achieve efficiencies close the Slepian-Wolf bound on q-ary symmetric channels.


Volume: 23 (5)      Pages from: 195-1  to: 195-26

More Information: The Center of Excellence SPOC (ref DNRF123).
KeyWords: Quantum key distribution; Information reconciliation; High-dimensional; Cascade; LDPC
DOI: 10.1007/s11128-024-04395-w

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