Robust quantum many-body scars in lattice gauge theories

Year: 2023

Authors: Halimeh J.C., Barbiero L., Hauke P., Grusdt F., Bohrdt A.

Autors Affiliation: Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Dept Phys, Theresienstr 37, D-80333 Munich, Germany; Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Arnold Sommerfeld Ctr Theoret Phys ASC, Theresienstr 37, D-80333 Munich, Germany; Munich Ctr Quantum Sci & Technol MCQST, Schellingstr 4, D-80799 Munich, Germany; Politecn Torino, Inst Condensed Matter Phys & Complex Syst, DISAT, I-10129 Turin, Italy; Univ Trento, INO CNR BEC Ctr, Via Sommarive 14, I-38123 Trento, Italy; Univ Trento, Dept Phys, Via Sommarive 14, I-38123 Trento, Italy; Harvard Smithsonian Ctr Astrophys, ITAMP, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA; Harvard Univ, Dept Phys, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.

Abstract: Quantum many-body scarring is a paradigm of weak ergodicity breaking arising due to the presence of special nonthermal many-body eigenstates that possess low entanglement entropy, are equally spaced in energy, and concentrate in certain parts of the Hilbert space. Though scars have been shown to be intimately connected to gauge theories, their stability in such experimentally relevant models is still an open question, and it is generally considered that they exist only under fine-tuned conditions. In this work, we show through Krylov-based time-evolution methods how quantum many-body scars can be made robust in the presence of experimental errors through utilizing terms linear in the gaugesymmetry generator or a simplified pseudogenerator in U(1) and Z2 lattice gauge theories. Our findings are explained by the concept of quantum Zeno dynamics. Our experimentally feasible methods can be readily implemented in existing large-scale ultracold-atom quantum simulators and setups of Rydberg atoms with optical tweezers.

Journal/Review: QUANTUM

Volume: 7      Pages from:   to:

More Information: J.C.H. is grateful to Jean-Yves Desaules, Ana Hu-domal, Zlatko Papić, and Guoxian Su for work on related topics. L. B. acknowledges Utso Bhattacharya, Daniel González-Cuadra, Maciej Lewenstein, Adith Sai Aramthottil and Jakub Zakrzewski for discussions on related topics. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm (Grant Agreement no 948141) — ERC Starting Grant SimUcQuam, and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC-2111 – 390814868, and from the NSF through a grant for the Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics at Harvard University and the Smithso-nian Astrophysical Observatory. This work is part of and supported by Provincia Autonoma di Trento, the ERC Starting Grant StrEnQTh (project ID 804305), the Google Research Scholar Award ProGauge, and Q@TN — Quantum Science and Technology in Trento.
KeyWords: Statistical-mechanics; Thermalization; Localization; Entanglement; Invariance; Simulation; Dynamics; Systems; Matrix; Chaos
DOI: 10.22331/Q-2023-05-15-1004

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