Entanglement witnessing for lattice gauge theories

Year: 2022

Authors: Panizza V., Costa de Almeida R., Hauke P.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Trento, INO CNR BEC Ctr, Via Sommar 14, I-38123 Trento, Italy; Univ Trento, Dept Phys, Via Sommar 14, I-38123 Trento, Italy; Heidelberg Univ, Inst Theoret Phys, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany; Trento Inst Fundamental Phys & Applicat, INFN TIFPA, Trento, Italy.

Abstract: Entanglement is assuming a central role in modern quantum many-body physics. Yet, for lattice gauge theories its certification remains extremely challenging. A key difficulty stems from the local gauge constraints underlying the gauge theory, which separate the full Hilbert space into a direct sum of subspaces characterized by different superselection rules. In this work, we develop the theoretical framework of entanglement witnessing for lattice gauge theories that takes this subtlety into account. We illustrate the concept at the example of a U(1) lattice gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions, without and with dynamical fermionic matter. As this framework circumvents costly state tomography, it opens the door to resource-efficient certification of entanglement in theoretical studies as well as in laboratory quantum simulations of gauge theories.


Volume: (9)      Pages from: 196-1  to: 196-24

More Information: We acknowledge support by the ERC Starting Grant StrEnQTh (project ID 804305), Provincia Autonoma di Trento, and by Q@TN, the joint lab between University of Trento, FBK-Fondazione Bruno Kessler, INFN-National Institute for Nuclear Physics and CNR-National Research Council.
KeyWords: Gauge Symmetry; Lattice Quantum Field Theory
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2022)196

Citations: 6
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