Effect of Transverse Confinement on a Quasi-One-Dimensional Dipolar Bose Gas

Year: 2023

Authors: De Palo S., Orignac E., Citro R., Salasnich L.

Autors Affiliation: CNR IOM Democritos, Via Bonomea 265, I-34136 Trieste, Italy; Univ Trieste, Dipartimento Fis Teor, Str Costiera 11, I-34014 Trieste, Italy; Univ Lyon, Lab Phys, Ens Lyon, CNRS, F-69342 Lyon, France; Univ Salerno, Dipartimento Fis ER Caianiello, CNR, SPIN, Via Giovanni Paolo 2, I-84084 Fisciano, Italy; Univ Padua, Dipartimento Fis & Astron Galileo Galilei, INFN, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padua, Italy; Univ Padua, QTech, Via Marzolo 8, I-35131 Padua, Italy; CNR, Unitadi Sesto Fiorentino, INO, Via Nello Carrara 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.

Abstract: We study a gas of bosonic dipolar atoms in the presence of a transverse harmonic trapping potential by using an improved variational Bethe ansatz, which includes the transverse width of the atomic cloud as a variational parameter. Our calculations show that the system behavior evolves from quasi-one dimensional to a strictly one-dimensional one by changing the atom-atom interaction, or the axial density, or the frequency of the transverse confinement. Quite remarkably, in the droplet phase induced by the attractive dipolar interaction the system becomes sub-one dimensional when the transverse width is smaller than the characteristic length of the transverse harmonic confinement.


Volume: 8 (1)      Pages from: 26-1  to: 26-8

KeyWords: dipolar interactions; variational method; droplets
DOI: 10.3390/condmat8010026

Citations: 2
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