High Speed All-Optical Polarization Scrambler Based on Polarization Beam Splitting Delayed Fiber Loop

Year: 2023

Authors: Wu Q., Gao L., Qiu S., Wabnitz S., Liu A., Cao YL., Chang ZH., Yu YJ., Long Y., Zhu T.

Autors Affiliation: Chongqing Univ, Key Lab Optoelect Technol & Syst, Minist Educ, Chongqing 400044, Peoples R China; Sapienza Univ Roma, Dipartimento Ingn Informaz Elettron & Telecomunica, I-00184 Rome, Italy; CNR, Ist Nazl Ott, INO, I-80078 Pozzuoli, Italy.

Abstract: Polarization scramblers are widely employed to mitigate polarization fluctuation-related effects for optical signals propagating in fiber systems. We propose an all-optical polarization scrambler configuration based on a polarization beam splitting delayed fiber loop. By deteriorating the coherence of one beam, and controlling the intensity ratio of two orthogonal beams, the polarization scrambler operates in a chaotic regime. The effect on polarization scrambling of loop structure is tested by a home-made narrow-linewidth laser with linewidth of 500 Hz. We investigate the polarization scrambling performance for a commercial distributed feedback laser with linewidth of 3 MHz in various operating regimes. Scrambling speeds under chaotic regime reach 42 Mrad/s with a degree of polarization <0.1 at the maximum sampling rate of 100 MSa/s. We also characterize the dependence of the scrambling speed and average degree of polarization on delay fiber length and wavelengths within the C-band. The output performance of the proposed scrambler for scrambling 40 MHz and 6 GHz modulated signals are tested and waveform distortions are identified due to polarization scrambling. Journal/Review: JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY

Volume: 41 (8)      Pages from: 2506  to: 2512

More Information: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62075021, in part by the Project supported by Graduate Research and Innovation Foundation of Chongqing, China under Grant CYB20061, in part by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars under Grant 61825501, and in part by the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 740355.
KeyWords: Optical fiber polarization; Laser beams; Fiber lasers; Delays; Optical fiber communication; Distributed feedback devices; Optical fiber couplers; Decoherence; polarization beam splitting; polarization scrambler; state of polarization
DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3233366

Citations: 2
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