Hybrid B4C/TiCN aqueous nanofluids for solar absorber applications

Year: 2023

Authors: Sani E., Martina MR., Vallejo JP., Lugo L.

Autors Affiliation: CNR INO Natl Inst Opt, Largo E Fermi 6, I-50125 Florence, Italy; Ctr Univ Def, Escuela Naval Mil, Plaza Espana S-N, Marin 36920, Spain; Univ Vigo, CINBIO, Grp GAME, Dept Fis Aplicada, Vigo 36310, Spain.

Abstract: Nanofluid-based direct absorption solar collectors (NDASCs), where the transfer fluid also shows the solar absorption functionality, could offer advantages with respect to existing conventional surface-absorber thermal solar collectors, due to volumetric radiation absorption and reduced thermal resistance at the absorber-fluid interface. In the framework of investigation of novel nanofluids with favourable properties for NDASC applications, the present work is aimed to assess the stability (by dynamic light scattering), structural (by transmission electron microscopy and EDS) and optical properties (by optical transmittance measurements) of aqueous nanofluids containing boron carbide (B4C) and titanium carbonitride (TiCN), both as mono or hybrid nanodditives. The chosen B4C and TiCN materials are representative components of the family of so-called Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics (UHTCs), which are known for a number of appealing properties, among those hightemperature stability and promising bulk optical properties, while the optical properties at the nanoscale were unexplored to date. No formation of nanocomposites was evidenced, while optical properties of nanofluids resulted substantially changed with respect to the pure base fluid and promising for solar absorber applications. The dynamic viscosity was also evaluated, in order to check if the pumping power required for the flow of the new materials differs substantially, finding a Newtonian behaviour and a minimal viscosity increase.


Volume: 254      Pages from: 112280-1  to: 112280-8

More Information: Grant PID2020-112846RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Grant PDC2021-121225-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. EU COST Action CA15119: Overcoming Barriers to Nanofluids Market Uptake, Nanouptake, and EU COST Innovators Grant CIG15119: Nanofluids for Convective Heat Transfer Devices, NANOConVEX. NEST -Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition (PNRR Partenariato Esteso PE0000021, funded by NextGenerationEU). J.P.V. thanks the Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy (C UD-ENM) for all the support provided for this research. E.S. thanks the CNR-INO technicians Mr. M. Pucci and Mr. M. D’Uva for technical assistance.
KeyWords: Optical properties of nanofluids; Direct -absorption solar collectors; Carbides; Carbonitrides; Rheological properties; Hybrid nanofluids
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2023.112280

Citations: 3
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