Signatures of resonantly driven laser-wakefield excitation by a pulse train generated by an optical delay mask

Year: 2023

Authors: Marasciulli A., Labate L., Tomassini P., Gizzi LA.

Autors Affiliation: INO CNR, Intense Laser Irradiat Lab ILIL, Pisa, Italy; INFN Lab Nazl Gran Sasso, LNGS INFN, Assergi, AQ, Italy; Horia Hulubei Natl Inst Phys & Nucl Engn, Extreme Light Infrastructure Nucl Phys ELI NP, Magurele, Romania.

Abstract: Electron plasma waves can be efficiently excited by a resonant train of ultrashort pulses, spatially separated by a plasma wavelength. Generating a pulse train from a single amplified ultrashort pulse may be challenging when dealing with large beams. Here we discuss a pulse splitting technique using a simple delay mask that can be adapted to large diameter petawatt beams. We show via detailed numerical simulations that unique signatures of electrons accelerated by a resonantly excited wakefield can be obtained from realistic focused double-pulse trains obtained from a single-region delay mask. (c) 2023 Optica Publishing Group

Journal/Review: APPLIED OPTICS

Volume: 62 (35)      Pages from: 9368  to: 9374

More Information: Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI -Italy (D.M. No. 631 214 08.08.2016) ; Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Research and Innovation Program EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase (No. 101079773) ; NextGeneration EU Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Photonic and Quantum Sciences-I-PHOQS (CUP B53C22001750006, ID D2B8D520, IR0000016) ; EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources-EuAPS (CUP I93C21000160006, IR0000030) ; Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI -NP) Phase II (1/07.07.2016, COP, ID 1334) ; Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation and IOSIN Funds for Research Infrastructures of National Interest (PN 23 210105) .
KeyWords: Plasma-waves; Acceleration; Injection; Beams
DOI: 10.1364/AO.506107

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