Spin-statistics relation for quantum Hall states

Year: 2023

Authors: Nardin A., Ardonne E., Mazza L.

Autors Affiliation: Univ Trento, INO, CNR, BEC Ctr, I-38123 Povo, Italy; Univ Trento, Dipartimento Fis, I-38123 Povo, Italy; Stockholm Univ, AlbaNova Univ Ctr, Dept Phys, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden; Univ Paris Saclay, CNRS, LPTMS, F-91405 Orsay, France.

Abstract: We prove a generic spin-statistics relation for the fractional quasiparticles that appear in Abelian quantum Hall states on the disk. The proof is based on an efficient way for computing the Berry phase acquired by a generic quasiparticle translated in the plane along a circular path, and on the crucial fact that once the gauge-invariant generator of rotations is projected onto a Landau level, it fractionalizes among the quasiparticles and the edge. Using these results we define a measurable quasiparticle fractional spin that satisfies the spin-statistics relation. As an application, we predict the value of the spin of the composite-fermion quasielectron proposed by Jain; our numerical simulations agree with that value. We also show that Laughlin’s quasielectrons satisfy the spin-statistics relation, but carry the wrong spin to be the antianyons of Laughlin’s quasiholes. We continue by highlighting the fact that the statistical angle between two quasiparticles can be obtained by measuring the angular momentum while merging the two quasiparticles. Finally, we show that our arguments carry over to the non-Abelian case by discussing explicitly the Moore-Read wave function.


Volume: 108 (4)      Pages from: L041105-1  to: L041105-6

More Information: We acknowledge discussions with I. Carusotto, T. Comparin, B. Estienne, H. Hansson, M. Hermanns, A. Polychronakos and N. Regnault. A.N. thanks Universite Paris-Saclay and LPTMS for warm hospitality. This work is supported by Investissements d’Avenir LabEx PALM (ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM).
KeyWords: Fractional Statistics; Hilbert-space; Anyons; Charge
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L041105

Citations: 5
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